- Can import files with .dwg, .dxf, and .wbd file
- Can accept files on disk, by e-mail, Procomm Plus,
Carbon Copy, or Carbon Copy 32.
- Can create drawings off a faxed or mailed print,
or digitize (see below) off a sample or mylar.
- All drawing are created in the latest version of
AutoCAD, currently release 14, soon to be 2000.
- If requested, a mylar can be created and sent to
the customer with or without a die order.

- 42" X 60" Backlit Digitizer.
Puck or stylus pen driven.
- Backlit option for digitizing printed material or
positives and negatives.
- Can digitize materials up to .25" thick.
- Accuracy: .005" over 60"